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Melyik szenzor a rossz? HFT vagy olaj?


New member
Oct 17, 2022
Sziasztok. Segítsetek legyszives. A motorom kiírta egyik pillanatról a másikra. “-“ jel villog (8 x) nyolcszor ezt ismétli folyamatosan. Nem lehet emiatt sebességbe tenni. TP szenzor hiba lehet a kód alalpján vagy más? Köszönöm!

2 hozzászólás




Translated the above:

Hi there. Help me please. My engine wrote me out one moment to the next. The “-” signal flashes (8x) repeats this eight times continuously. Can't put it into gear because of this. Could there be a TP sensor error at the bottom of the code or something else? Thank you!

I read signatures but I didn't really get anywhere, I got lost between the lines because one option excludes the other or vice versa, that's why I couldn't correct the flashing "-" error, unfortunately

There is a procedure described therein to use the red wiring plug under the seat to cause the '-' to flash which gives a fault code that will be listed in the service manual. Did you do that? If so, what code was shown?

Hello. yes, I went through it on the basis of those, but now it just blinks continuously in one rhythm and doesn't do anything else, that's why I'm stuck with the process that now the HFT converter needs to be recalibrated, or maybe there's another problem, I'm completely at a loss, unfortunately.

The first thing that I would try is to disconnect the battery for a few minutes, then reconnect and see what happens. Always ensure the bike is on level ground. If still the same, follow the process in the manual to reset the HFT

If the 'kill switch' is in the stop position, it obviously will not start and the '-' will blink when the key is ON, but l think you said the engine starts ok. Otherwise, do as Bob says.

The first thing that I would try is to disconnect the battery for a few minutes, then reconnect and see what happens. Always ensure the bike is on level ground. If still the same, follow the process in the manual to reset the HFT
Ok! Thanks!

If the 'kill switch' is in the stop position, it obviously will not start and the '-' will blink when the key is ON, but l think you said the engine starts ok. Otherwise, do as Bob says.
I'll try what you've described, it's true that leveling is difficult because there's only a side support on the bike, but I'll figure something out for it. If the attempts don't work, I'll write again if that's okay. Thanks for the good advice!

The first thing that I would try is to disconnect the battery for a few minutes, then reconnect and see what happens. Always ensure the bike is on level ground. If still the same, follow the process in the manual to reset the HFT
I wanted to recalibrate the HFT shifter. The program started, "1" flashed, then I started the engine, "2" flashed and then only "-" flashed, unfortunately I didn't get any further. What could be the problem? NEUTRAL OIL PRESSURE SWITCH? Or OIL LEVEL SWITCH? Maybe something else?
Please help me solve it!

If the 'kill switch' is in the stop position, it obviously will not start and the '-' will blink when the key is ON, but l think you said the engine starts ok. Otherwise, do as Bob says.
I wanted to recalibrate the HFT shifter. The program started, "1" flashed, then I started the engine, "2" flashed and then only "-" flashed, unfortunately I didn't get any further. What could be the problem? NEUTRAL OIL PRESSURE SWITCH? Or OIL LEVEL SWITCH? Maybe something else?
Please help me solve it!

How many km has your bike done?

I would try doing the diagnostics again with the jumper wire in the red plug as described in the servive manual. Are you following that procedure exactly?

I am away from home for 5 days. When I return home I will study the service manual for answers.
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How many km has your bike done?

I would try doing the diagnostics again with the jumper wire in the red plug as described in the servive manual. Are you following that procedure exactly?

I am away from home for 5 days. When I return home I will study the service manual for answers.
I have 41,900 km on my bike. I followed exactly the process for HFT initialization (TCM zeroing) according to the book from pages 11-93. I drove it to operating temperature, then it stopped for 4 minutes, then I plugged it into the 070PZ-ZY30100 Connection: Brown - Green/yellow cables. Turn the ignition switch ON while pressing the toggle switch (-). The shift indicator flashes to "1". Release the toggle switch (-).
Start the engine.
The gear indicator light flashes to “2”.
I got this far, because after that only the "-" continues to flash, the engine continues to run nicely and evenly, only the "-" sign flashes on the extension.
Could any of the sensors be bad, or is there a break in the cable?
Thank you very much for your help in advance!

A faulty sensor should give a code. Bad connection is a possibility, perhaps where the wiring harness plugs into the TCM. Remove the module and unplug and replug the connectors a few times and look closely if any of the pins are slightly out of place. Unplugging the connectors will often be enough to fix a connectivity issue.

I would also buy this used TCM as it is fairly cheap and try it.


A hibás érzékelőnek kódot kell adnia. Lehetséges a rossz csatlakozás, talán ott, ahol a kábelköteg a TCM-hez csatlakozik. Távolítsa el a modult, és néhányszor húzza ki, majd csatlakoztassa újra a csatlakozókat, és alaposan nézze meg, hogy valamelyik érintkező kissé kicsúszott-e a helyéről. A csatlakozók kihúzása gyakran elegendő a csatlakozási probléma megoldásához.

Megvenném ezt a használt TCM-et is, mivel elég olcsó, és kipróbálnám.

Holnap megpróbálom ezeket a lépéseket, hátha segít. Értesítem, bármi történjen. Még egyszer köszönöm a segítségedet.
