Recent content by Andeo

  1. Andeo

    Happy New Year!!

    Срећу и здравље тражи од Бога. Љубав и поштовање тражи од пријатеља… А све остало има код Кинеза. Срећна 2017!
  2. Andeo

    GPS mount riddle)

    Respected spitfire_pt ask me about my GPS mount and I wander: original DN havent a horisontal bar to mount, but my DN have. So I went to garage and noticed a modification)) Better sooner than later :D Seems that bar is an factory production add-on witn careful installation. Maybe...
  3. Andeo

    Crashbar project

    When my friend took my bike and dropped (open throttle&front brake together) I desided to make custom crashbars. Google shows no images of same project, but it but I'm not scared :) Now Im study manual for mainframe logic. Some cuts of plastic arent a problem. Bike weight is huge, so need to...
  4. Andeo

    'Zdravo' from Montenegro!

    Hi everyone!
